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當(dāng)幸福來敲門觀后感英文 《當(dāng)幸福來敲門》英語觀后感

時間: 小蘭2 觀后感

  《當(dāng)幸福來敲門》(The Pursuit of Happiness),由史蒂芬·康納德導(dǎo)演執(zhí)導(dǎo),威爾·史密斯父子聯(lián)袂獻演,這部電影從2005年一直被熱議至今,期間還獲得了如2006年奧斯卡最佳男主角等多項電影類大獎的提名。以下是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為大家整理的關(guān)于當(dāng)幸福來敲門觀后感英文,給大家作為參考,歡迎閱讀!


  If you've ever been poor, this movie may be hard to watch. It depicts poverty in America in gut wrenchingly accurate ways. I've been as poor as Chris Gardner, and, like him, I've been poor among very rich people in the Bay Area while trying to work my way up.

  Chris Gardner is a loving father and failing businessman. He is chosen for a competitive internship at Dean Witter, a stock brokerage. The internship, which offers Chris a very long shot at a better life, doesn't pay any salary. Chris has to live without a salary for six months while risking just about everything for that long shot gamble.

  Chris is really smart. He can solve a Rubrik's cube in minutes. But, he's poor. Poverty, like an octopus, keeps trying to suck him down to the bottom, and make him stay there.

  His car is towed. His wife walks out on him, leaving him with a five year old son. He is arrested for unpaid traffic tickets. He becomes homeless. He has to rely on a homeless shelter.

  All this while, he must appear for work in the morning in a suit and tie, and be ready to charm some of the wealthiest and most powerful people in the Bay Area. These people take wealth so much for granted that two of them stiff him for cab fare.

  Having lived through similar experiences, I cringed throughout this movie. My stomach hurt. I winced. I cried. I hugged my knees to my chest.

  The movie is very accurate, but painful to watch. I hope a lot of rich people, who think that they understand poverty, see it.

  This movie will be politically controversial. First of all, it doesn't touch the race issue with a ten foot pole. For example, when Chris appears to stiff a taxi driver for fare (it was really the rich white guy who failed to pay), the taxi driver never uses the “n” word. In real life, I think he probably would have.

  Is the movie afraid to talk about race, or does it not want to? I don't know, but I know that some will protest the movie's not shoving race in the movie goer's face. I'm not one of those people. The movie's approach to race -- treating it as almost incidental -- worked for me. As a poor white person, I can tell you that poor white people face the same obstacles Chris did.

  Second, does the movie sell the message that if you work hard, you will succeed, no matter what, and does that message tell the truth about success in America? I think that the movie is open to interpretation. Some will see it as an indictment of poverty in America. The scene of carefree rich people driving past the line to get into a homeless shelter is pretty devastating. Other people will become angry because they believe that the movie's depiction of hard work leading to rewards, in some cases, is too facile. I disagree, but that's what you'll hear.

  Third, is this movie meant to chastise black men who abandon their children? Chris is a role model exactly because he moves heaven and earth to be a good father to his son. This will be debated back and forth.

  The movie has a big philosophical statement to make, that has been lost on many reviewers, for example, Richard Schickel in TIME.

  Chris is shown running throughout the movie. Remember the title of the movie: “The PURSUIT of Happiness.” Chris places emphasis on “pursuit.” Jefferson, when he penned the Declaration of Independence, did not promise Americans happiness, but only the right to pursue it. Chris says, at one point in the movie, paraphrase, “I am happy right now. It is a fleeting moment.” We experience happiness in eyeblinks. The rest of the time we, like Chris, are chasing after it.


  This is about movie review.Yes,this is The Pursuit Of Happyiness.

  Because our teacher demand us finish the movie review.—— Foreword

  In fact ,I have seen this movie before class.I frist met it when I was a senior middle school student.But I have get more impressions then before.

  In the movie,the leading role of The Pursuit Of Happyiness,Jefferson's Declaration of independence words about happyiness kept recurring to Chris Gardner.Chris hardly work from everyday morning to night,but still couldn't make a charge.At last,his wife can't endured and left away,just leaving him and their five-year-old son.That is to say,Chris become a single father.

  Even worse is,Chris no money to pay for the rent.And he was failed with his career.They become homeless.They slept in anywhere.But Chris never gave up,just for his son and his belief.He still strongly believed that happyiness would come one day if he worked hard enough.

  At last of the film,Chris was succeed.But everyone know that too diffcult and hardly.

  I think everyone know this is a inspired story.And I'm moved.But in this movie,the most impress me are two things about Chris's love to his son and his strong faith towards life.After that,I learn one thing that if a person has a strong faith in himself,nothing will impossible.


  Recently, I have read a book named The Pursuit of Happiness. May be you have already seen the movie. But as for the spirit which can only described by the words, I have made a choice which is reading the book by myself. It‟s a very famous story and many people are moved by this story. When I close my eyes and think about my real world. Is there any trouble that I can‟t deal with exist? No, of cause not. Think about Chris Gardner, the hero of this book. How difficult the situation is when he gets no job, no money?

  Chris hasn‟t seen his father until the age of 28. So he swears that he must be a great father for his son ----Christopher. But thinking about his career and the badly-off current. He has to lead his kid hang out every hospital to sell the bone scanners for money. Accidentally, he knows that act as a bill broker merely calls for knowledge of numbers. So he tried to find a manager in this field who named Jay twistie. With the help of persistence, interesting words and a Rubik‟s cube, he acquires a chance of being an intern in Jay‟s company. But there is only one person from six interns can be hired after six months‟ non-wage work. It‟s too difficult for Chris. At this moment, Chris‟ wife leaves them two and move to New York. In the cause of no enough money, Chris and his son lose their house. They even live in the public washroom. Everything comes to him who waits. Finally, Chris wins the job and creates his own company. Yes, he makes it!

  The major goal of studying hard in college is getting a great job when graduate. In my mind, after four-year-study, finding job is an unworried thing. Although we may find ourselves deeply in a terrible situation, it won‟t be worse anymore. But what the hero has experienced completely turned my mind head to feet. We are those people who settling in a comfortable world——school. And it‟s time to thinking about the way to facing up with the competitive, cure and variety of burden of society.

  This real story is the most impressive one for me. It is difficult to believe that the person who is the most successful business man used to sleeping in the washroom. As far as I‟m consider, those troubles which occur on Chris are unbelievable, because it‟s hard to image a people can overcome such difficult troubles. But Chris can make it! In the last few years, I have had to face many “tiny” troubles. I even have the thought of giving up. But now, I am not afraid of those troubles. And I believe this sentence: Everything comes to him who waits! The door of success which Chris opened evenly is not only his hope, but also the sign to everyone.

  Here are some sentences which may help everyone: Don‟t ever let somebody tell you, you can't do something, not even me. And this one: You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want something, go get it. Period. And please keep them in mind, then „go get it‟!




